Topic Progress:

This is a kids relay race game that is useful for family events, elementary school dances, etc.

Required Props: 2 Boxes of tissues, 2 baskets, and 4 chairs (optional, rubber gloves)


Split the players up into 2 teams to compete in this relay race.

Set each basket on a chair marking the start of the relay.

Set each box of tissue on a chair marking the end of the relay.


When you explain and demonstrate the action, make sure to loudly enunciate the “Puh” or “PFFFFFTTTT” sound as you ‘spit’ the tissue into the basket, thus the name of the game.

Players must run and pick up a tissue from the box with their mouth (NO HANDS), and carry it over and deposit it in the basket. Then the next player runs and picks up a tissue with their mouth, etc.

Play a fun and upbeat song while the teams compete.

After the song has finished, the game now becomes “EEEWWWWWW”

For improved effect, pull out a rubber glove and put it on as you pick up the baskets to determine who was the winner.

Have the teams count out loud as you take the tissues out of the basket and toss them up into the air one by one to determine which team collected the most tissues.

Announce which team was the winner, and then offer bonus points to the kids who can pick up the most tissues off the ground and throw them into the garbage.

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